deckkraft english

deckkraftdeckkraft Walter Eul Marc von Criegern


two artists

large scale paintings


projections onto paintings

images generated by random

independant art-projects

since 2012

projects selection

the last generated image

the last generated image

exhibition view

exhibition view

create a new image now!

create a new image now!



deckkraft machine

With each click on machine a new deckkraft image is created. Each image is unique marked with ongoing number and date. These images are created through the computer by chance the very moment you click onto the machine button. So far 349434 images were generated online.

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view to the exhibition

view to the exhibition

picture deckkraft pic/projects/featuring2.jpg
picture deckkraft pic/projects/featuring3.jpg
working together with Roman Lang

working together with Roman Lang

deckkraft featuring...

In September 2013 deckkraft presented seven large-scale paintings that were done in collaboration with seven artists. Each of the invited artists worked simultaneously with us on one canvas. Different styles and ideas clashed with each other in this experimental approach.

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paintings selection

image: #170407


Shaped canvas

image: #130614 - 2013, 350 x 600 cm


collaboration painting together with Ted Green

2013, 350 x 600 cm

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