two artists
large scale paintings
projections onto paintings
images generated by random
independant art-projects
since 2012
deckkraft CROSSING Paul Schwer
Viev at the exhibition
deckkraft MACHINE2 computeranimation
one of nearly 40.000 deckkraft MACHINE2 images
deckkraft CROSSING Paul Schwer
is a communal installation consisting of paintings and computeranimations from deckkraft together with objects and installations of Paul Schwer. Galery ABTART, Stuttgart, Germany 2016.
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projection onto a painting
view to the exhibition
deckkraft LAYER
is the extension of classic painting with the means of programmed animation projected onto the image. For each painting there is an endless choreography of color and shapes floating over the painting, highlighting parts of it.The projected colors mix with the painted colors and thus increase their effect.
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Kunstraum Düsseldorf 2014
280 x 1400 cm
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Kunstverein Mönchengladbach
600 x 250 cm
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